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Our vision: to become a heritage, strong, energetic and outstanding enterprises
We have a highly professional, with a forward-looking strategic awareness, which will continue to

guide us every step forward;
Our goal: to market-oriented, occupied the commanding heights of development
We want to achieve scientific and technological content of the place, there is "Changli" message or

This requires us to continue to expand the customer base, continues to expand areas of expertise,

as all aspects, multi-enterprise, to gain a foothold in the national market.
Our aim: quality casting brand, the responsibility of excellence!
Casting quality brand, the company and the user common development and achieve win-win situation,

which is "Changli" unswerving purpose.
Our strategy: expert career, solid and stronger
Focus more on science and technology depth, experience professional for the repair,
Do real, the only for the strong.
Our values: identity, participation and sharing
Core competencies determine viability of enterprises
Long Li Technology is the core value of identity, participation and sharing
Advocacy to create value and foster a sense of mission, responsibility, sense of honor and a sense

of accomplishment
Willing to have the ability to continuously improve their effectiveness and employees as talent
Advocates in practice to learn new ways of thinking, to adapt to the changing environment
To create a comprehensive enterprise-wide execution
Our spirit: integrity and diligence strict cooperation and innovation
Integrity: the product is first, to the letter Liming
Diligence: not avoid hardships, perseverance
Strict: attention to detail, the pursuit of perfection
Collaboration: team work, sharing and win-win
Innovation: continuous improvement, and constantly go beyond

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Changli Auto Parts
+86 576-87509262
+86 576-87578016